Directors and Volunteers
PRESIDENT - Glenn Roebuck
Contact Glenn: 0457 025 256
- The President shall be a member of the Board and shall be elected at the Annual General meeting in accordance with the Constitution.
- The President shall be the senior officer of SDBC, which will look to him/her for guidance and advice in the furtherance of its objectives.
- The President shall be the spokesperson for SDBC in all matters where a statement is to be given to the League, Press or the Public, unless he delegates such role.
- The President shall perform the duties of Chairman at all Annual General Meetings, Special general Meetings, Board Meetings and such other committees to which he is appointed.
- The President shall provide assistance and guidance to all Board members in the performance of their duties.
- The President shall ensure that all meetings are conducted in accordance with the By-Laws and shall have a deliberative vote, as well as a casting vote when required.
- The President along with the Chief Executive Officer, shall be the authority on the interpretation of the Constitution and By-Laws of SDBC.
- The President defines and documents its club culture and behaviours and continually communicates them to members, players, coaches, supporters and volunteers
- The President ensures the club has clearly defined goals and objectives and documented strategies and implementation plans on how they will be achieved
- The President implements strong financial controls to protect the cash and assets of the clubs as well as the volunteers handling the cash
- The President ensure the key stakeholder relationships of the club are maintained and nurtured
CEO - Leah Bunney
- The CEO shall be appointed by the Board and report to the President
- The CEO shall convene and attend all Board Meetings as well as all Annual and Special General Meetings of SDBC.
- The CEO shall perform all clerical duties of SDBC, including maintaining a record of the names and addresses of all members.
- The CEO shall exercise control over the operations of the bar and canteen, including but not limited to, ordering, asset control, banking and record keeping, but may delegate some or all of these duties where appropriate.
- The CEO shall receive moneys on behalf of SDBC, issue receipts for amounts so received and hand over such amounts to the Finance Director.
- The CEO, along with the President and the Vice President, shall be the authority on the interpretation of the Constitution and By-Laws of SDBC.
- The CEO shall be a member of the Emergency Committee of SDBC.
- The CEO may be a paid position as determined by the SDBC Board.
- The CEO shall liaise with the Services Director and the Baseball Director on all matters regarding the buildings and grounds including bookings and the use thereof.
- The CEO shall assist the Services Director as the Board liaison for the Affiliated Bodies, and where appropriate bring their concerns to the Board.
- The CEO shall assist the Services Director as the Board liaison with the local Council.
- The CEO shall assist any SDBC member who has a grievance regarding selection, disciplinary action, action taken by Office Bearer etc. If mediation cannot resolve the issue, the member shall make such complaint in writing. The written complaint shall contain sufficient detail of the circumstances of the grievance to enable the CEO to decide whether the matter shall be considered by the Board or by the Emergency Committee. Once a decision on the grievance has been reached, it shall be conveyed in writing to the applicant within 48 hours.
- The CEO shall be responsible for Club Merchandise, including the purchasing, cataloguing and sales thereof.
- It is expected that Club business for the CEO is approximately 20 hrs per week.
Contact Wendy: 0411 854 114
- The Finance Director shall be a member of the Board and shall be elected at the Annual General meeting in accordance with the Constitution.
- In conjunction with the Chief Executive Officer he/she shall:
- Keep or cause to be kept a true and accurate account of all moneys received and expended by the SDBC, of matters in respect of which such receipts and expenditures take place, and of all assets and liabilities of the SDBC;
- Render or cause to be rendered accounts on behalf of the SDBC for all moneys due to the SDBC;
- Be responsible for the receipt of all moneys due to the SDBC and shall pay or cause it to be paid to the credit of the SDBC account, at such financial institution as the Board shall determine;
- Pay or cause to be paid, all accounts and other disbursements authorised by the Board, provided that all cheques and other negotiable instruments shall be signed by any two of the President, Finance Director or other person(s) nominated for the purpose by the Board;
- Submit a statement of the financial position of the SDBC in accordance with paragraph 11.1(a) of these By-Laws.
- Chair affiliated committees, such as, but not limited to, fundraising, sponsorship etc., and report thereon to the Board.
Contact Ben: 0432 724 068
- The Baseball Director shall be a member of the Board and shall be elected at the Annual General meeting in accordance with the Constitution.
- The Baseball Director shall attend all Board Meetings as well as all Annual and Special General Meetings of SDBC.
- The Baseball Director shall be responsible for all matters relating to the programming, organising, selection and supervision of baseball on behalf of the Board.
- The Baseball Director shall chair the selection committee and the coaching selection panel in accordance with the By-Laws.
- The Baseball Director shall annually recommend a Club Coach to the board for approval.
- The Baseball Director shall liaise with the Equipment Officer in the preparation of an equipment budget for the Board and in ensuring that there are appropriate controls in place over all equipment.
- The Baseball Director shall be SDBC delegate to the Operations Committee of the League, and shall be the focal point for liaison between SDBC and the League.
Contact Kat: 0433 712 034
- The Junior Baseball Director shall be a member of the Board and shall be elected at the Annual General meeting in accordance with the Constitution.
- The Junior Baseball Director shall attend all Board Meetings as well as all Annual and Special General Meetings of SDBC.
- The Junior Baseball Director shall be responsible for all matters relating to the programming, organising, selection and supervision of junior baseball on behalf of the Board.
- The Junior Baseball Director, in conjunction with the club coach, shall chair the selection committee and the coaching selection panel in accordance with the By-Laws.
- The Baseball Director shall annually recommend a T-Ball Coordinator to the board for approval.
- The Junior Baseball Director shall liaise with the Equipment Officer in the preparation of an equipment budget for the Board and in ensuring that there are appropriate controls in place over all equipment.
- The Junior Baseball Director shall be SDBC delegate to the Junior Operations Committee of the League, and shall be the focal point for liaison between SDBC and the League.
Contact Glen: 0411 158 308
- The Services Director shall be a member of the Board and shall be elected at the Annual General meeting in accordance with the Constitution.
- The Services Director shall attend all Board Meetings as well as all Annual and Special General Meetings of SDBC.
- The Services Director shall liaise with the Chief Executive Officer and the Baseball Director and shall be responsible for all matters regarding the buildings, grounds and the use thereof.
- The Services Director shall act as the Board liaison for the Affiliated Bodies, and where appropriate shall bring their concerns to the Board.
- The Services Director shall liaise with the local Council on behalf of the Board.
- Reports to the Finance Director
- Shall investigate and apply for all grants available to SDBC
- Shall execute and acquit grants offered to SDBC
- Reports to the Finance Director
- Create sponsorship packages suitable for their community of local businesses
- Engage and encourage the current club participants to introduce sponsors to the club from their network of friends and friends
- Ensure all sponsors are welcomed into the club and included in club activities
- Ensure all previous club sponsors are invited back to the club as sponsors for the upcoming year
- Create the sponsorship marketing information which can be provided to club participants so they can sell sponsorships to their network of family and friends
- Have the club website updated to reflect current sponsorship information.
- Review all sponsorship pledges to ensure all sponsorship fees have been received
- Ensure that all sponsorship inclusions (such as apparel, merchandise, tickets to games and events) have been provided
- Ensure that all sponsors are welcomed and included in all club activities
- Be the initial point of contact for any issues or complaints from sponsor concerning their sponsorship and entitlements.
- Ensure sponsors receive recognition and acknowledgement certificates (or something similar) for their sponsorships which they can display in their workplace.
- Ensure that all sponsors are personally thanked by the club for their support throughout the year
- Seek feedback from key sponsors on how the club can continue to create value for them for next year and beyond.
- Reports to the Baseball Director
- Shall prepare and maintain a budget in conjunction with the Baseball and Junior Baseball Directors
- Shall inspect all club equipment from an operational and safety perspective prior to issue to teams.
- Shall repair equipment as required and disposing of equipment no longer usable.
- Shall purchase replacement playing equipment as required to maintain complete and safe playing equipment.
- Collect all equipment to be stored during the off season and follow up equipment not returned as required
- Reports to the CEO
- Ensure bar is open as per schedule. (31 hrs per week approx.). A roster is recommended.
Approximate Schedule:
- Manage bar stock levels to meet demand. (Coordinate the ordering, receiving and restocking as required)
- Maintain bar facility in clean and fully operative condition.
CANTEEN MANAGER - Elaine Champion
- Reports to the CEO
- Ensure canteen is open as per schedule. (18 hrs per week approx.). A roster is recommended.
Approximate Schedule
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Canteen Available |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
6.00 – 9.00pm |
5.00-7.00pm |
10.00 – late |
10.00 – 3.00pm |
3 hrs |
2 hrs |
8 hrs |
5 hrs |
Teams/ Training |
Main Club Night |
T-Ball Games |
Senior Games as Allocated |
Junior Games as Allocated |
- Canteen – Manage stock levels to meet demand. (Coordinate the ordering, receiving, and restocking as required)
- Maintain canteen facility in clean and fully operative condition
1. Reports to the Baseball Director
2. Shall provide support and guidance to SDBC team managers
3. Shall provide SDBC team managers with a folder containing as a minimum
a. Age matrix
b. SDBC contact list
c. On line coaches training link
d. Police clearance request forms
e. Codes of conduct
f. Sport’s anti-doping policy
g. Trophy selection criteria
h. Vote slips
4. Ensure signed obligation forms including codes of behaviour – parent/guardian agreement – medical forms are returned for filing
- Reports to the Finance Director
- Shall schedule, plan, organise and execute all social and fundraising activities with a focus on the SDBC objectives
- The encouragement, promotion and improvement of the game of baseball in South Australia at all levels;
- The promotion of good fellowship among members;
- Shall schedule, plan, organise and execute all social and fundraising activities with the best interest of club sponsors in mind.
- Provide the committee with the recommendations for the proposed social activities for the coming year (this should include budgets identifying the proposed revenues and costs for each activity)
- Create the marketing information for each social activity which can be provided to club participants to assist in the promotion of club social activities
- Updated the club website to reflect the social activities for the year.
- Reports to the CEO
2. Shall develop and maintain all required social media platforms including but not limited to:
a. Web page
b. Facebook
e. Twitter
3. Shall understand the key social, fundraising and sporting activities that will take place throughout the year and develop strategies to support and promote each activity
4. Shall promote club’s key activities and events throughout the year,
5. Shall actively update the club’s different social media platforms throughout the week during the season (updating followers on scores, results, injuries, achievements milestones etc)
6. Shall promote sponsors, especially promoting special offers from sponsors which people love
7. Shall facilitate social media participation and engagement within club stakeholders
8. Shall actively engage followers to transform visitors into advocates for the club (creating a sense of belonging between the club and each individual)
9. Shall collaborate with all divisions of the club to ensure their message and stories are being continually promoted and communicated.
- Reports to the Baseball Director
- Shall provide all SDBC team scorers with guidance and advice of rule changes
- Shall arrange/provide all training required to ensure SDBC compliance with BSA and ABF regulations
- Reports to the Baseball Director
- Shall arrange/provide all training required to ensure SDBC compliance with BSA and ABF regulations
- Shall manage the umpiring roster for all SDBC home games
- Reports to the President.
- Shall attend scheduled board meetings (Meeting details to remain confidential).
- Shall provide a conduit for all players to communicate with the Board of SDBC, bringing ideas and opportunities for consideration.
- Skills required
- Good communication skills.
- Desire to lead change for the betterment of SDBC and its members.
- Reports to the President
- Shall convene and chair tribunal hearings in accordance with the bylaws
- Shall report findings to the Board for review/action
Coming soon.
CLEANER - Merilyn Mazey
- Reports to the CEO
- Clean inside of SDBC club rooms at least once a week
- Cleaning to include-
- Floors
- Walls
- Windows
- Sinks
- Showers
6. Handles
- Areas to be cleaned include-
- Main club room
- Ladies, gents and disabled toilets
- Home change rooms, toilet and showers
- Visitors change rooms, toilet and showers
- Umpires change rooms and shower
- Areas not to be cleaned include-
- Bar
- Canteen
- Veranda
- All cleaning products will be provided by SDBC
- Reports to the Heritage Committee
- Input games played for a completed season into the games played data base.
- Update the games played honour board
- Provide a list of players likely to reach a milestone during an upcoming season to the relevant team coaches/managers
- Reports to the Services Director.
- Shall prepare and maintain a register of plant and equipment on site.
- Shall conduct a risk assessment of all new plant and equipment and produce a Safe Operating Procedure (SOP) for all high risk plant and equipment.
- Shall periodically inspect all club plant and equipment from an operational and safety perspective.
- Shall report and damaged or unserviceable plant and equipment to the Services Director.
- Reports to the Finance Director.
- In conjunction with the fundraising and sponsorship coordinators, shall provide the committee with recommendations for the proposed merchandise for the coming year.
- Updated the club website to reflect the merchandise option for the year.
- Shall help manage incoming merchandise orders.
- Shall ensure all ordered merchandise is delivered to the appropriate purchaser.
- Reports to the Finance Director.
- Shall be available to assist members in registering in the BSA system.
- This includes new and existing registrations.
- This may require consultation with BSA.
- The incumbent will be an administrator of the SDBC site in the BSA system.
- Reports to the CEO.
- Shall be available to input weekly scores into the BSA system (currently required to be input by 9am Monday morning).
- The incumbent will be an administrator of the SDBC site in the BSA system.
- The T-Ball Coordinator shall report to the Junior Baseball Director.
- The T-Ball Coordinator shall be responsible for all matters relating to the programming, organising, selection and supervision of T-Ball on behalf of the Board.